It's that time of the year again! Even though I haven't posted anything about awards for the last few weeks, I felt the need to blog and say something about the Academy Awards nomination.
This time last year I was overjoyed at the fact I had seen 8/10 Best Picture nominees but this year I find myself not being able to share a real opinion having only seen 2/9. But I'm still going to (irreverently) comment and * my choices to win...
Best Picture
The Artist*

The Descendants
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
The Help
Midnight in Paris
The Tree of Life
War Horse
- Ok so I know I haven't actually seen The Artist yet, but I want it to win. I've heard such great stuff about it, not just from critics, and it'll be glorious to see it win! As an unpopular opinion, the Best Pic category looks 75% decent. Hugo and The Tree of Life were beautiful and I'm sure War Horse, Midnight in Paris are too. Though, I have absolutely no idea what Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close is doing, seeing as it currently stands at a 48% on Rotten Tomatoes and 6.2 on imdb. I didn't think The Help was particularly Best Picture worthy either. What about 50/50, Drive, Shame and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo?
Best Director
The Artist - Michel Hazanavicius
The Descendants - Alexander Payne
Hugo - Martin Scorsese *
Midnight in Paris - Woody Allen
The Tree of Life - Terrence Malick
-This looks a strong category! (But no Fincher?) Having only seen two, I can't really decide out of them all but know that each of these are definitely honourable. But for me, I want Marty to nab it. I adored Hugo and was very happy Martin won the Golden Globe.
Best Actor
Demián Bichir - A Better Life
George Clooney - The Descendants
Jean Dujardin - The Artist*
Gary Oldman - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Brad Pitt - Moneyball
-I don't knowwww. I'm happy Oldman has been nominated which could be another unpopular opinion, but again, even though I haven't seen it, I like the idea of Jean Dujardin winning but it will be close with Clooney of course.
Best Supporting Actor
Kenneth Branagh - My Week With Marilyn
Jonah Hill - Moneyball
Nick Nolte - Warrior
Christopher Plummer - Beginners
Max von Sydow - Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
-I don't have a preference for Best Supporting Actor. I've only seen My Week With Marilyn from this list and even though I thought Branagh was excellent, it could really be anyone. From a friend I've heard Beginners is fantastic and Plummer's Golden Globe was agreed with. It'd be great if Jonah Hill won though- imagine!
Best Actress
Glenn Close - Albert Nobbs
Viola Davis - The Help
Rooney Mara - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Meryl Streep - The Iron Lady
Michelle Williams - My Week With Marilyn*
-Queen Meryl has it in the bag, but I'm still completely taken by Michelle Williams as Marilyn Monroe. She really got into the role and performed it well so she's my favourite. If Rooney Mara wins I might cry of happiness because she's adorable.
Best Supporting Actress
Bérénice Bejo - The Artist
Jessica Chastain - The Help
Melissa McCarthy - Bridesmaids
Janet McTeer - Albert Nobbs
Octavia Spencer - The Help
-Even though I haven't seen The Help, I feel Chastain's nomination would be better for Tree Of Life, but her role in The Help has had a lot of buzz around it. I like the idea of McCarthy being nominated, but not winning it. This one is going to be tough to call.
Best Animated Film
A Cat in Paris
Chico & Rita
Kung Fu Panda 2*
Puss in Boots*
-I'm gutted because each year, I've pretty much seen all of the nominations for animations but this year I've seen one. ONE. I'm appalled at myself and don't think Rango lives up to winning anyway. Heard good things about Chico & Rita, Panda and Puss and don't quite know what A Cat In Paris is. I'd be happy for Dreamworks to win so either of them two.
As for the rest, I will cry tears of joy if
Man or Muppet wins best original song. For over a week now I haven't got a day without singing it in my head (sometimes out loud).
Rio was very catchy though.
I feel like I've slacked with listening to film scores this year. Not one of the scores I've downloaded which I've liked from a film are nominated so I have no idea.
For the complete list of nominations, click here.

The nominations this year are a bit...meh. I mean, some are obvious winners such as The Artist and The Descendants. Hugo leads the list with 12 nominations so I really hope it does well.
Others are shocking. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close for starts and then Transformers 3 with 3 nominations? What is going on?!
No Ryan Gosling? Fassbender? Shame or Drive for Best Pic? Do the academy not want them both to attend the ceremony looking handsome in suits, etc? Ok, their good looks aside, their performances have been praised by critics but they're obviously too good for the academy..
Also very shocked there is nothing for Tilda Swinton in We Need To Talk About Kevin. Something's not quite right.
watch the Oscars hosted by Billy, as I'm quite a youngling, so I am very much looking forward to this!
The Academy Awards are on Feb 26th. Be sure to check back a few days after to see my thoughts on the event.
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