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At the moment I am interning, doing something I adore and waking up every morning looking forward to going to work. I'm commuting 2 hours each day and working for another 8 and I couldn't enjoy it more. I only have 2 and a half weeks left and I'm going to be so sad to leave, but feel so lucky to have spent some of my summer doing something I love at a company who are ever so kind to me.
One of my dreams of seeing Justin Timerlake perform live has come true, and I still feel like I'm in a dream-like state, after attending Wireless last Friday. He sang, performed and made my heart melt. I haven't ever thought about having favourite singers before, but if I had to choose it would always be JT. Justin Timberlake & Jay-Z owning Suit and Tie will be something I hope to never, ever forget.
(I didn't take pictures or videos, but Youtube is good for that)
This weather feels nice. I don't know if it's the fact I've finished college, but I don't dread choosing outfits to wear because I don't care how other people see me in them. I feel confident. I think the work experience at my internship is a big part of that. I wouldn't say I'm at a place with my body image that I want to be, but I'm content with it for now. I won't ever be stick thin skinny, I won't have longer legs, but I'm ok with this.
I have a new favourite TV show. Every time I finish something I adore (Arrested Development season 4 in this case). I was on the hunt for a new TV obsession and I've found it. Albeit, I'm late like always, but I'm onto the It's Always Sunny In Phillidelphia hype. I haven't watched a comedy TV show where I cry actual tears in a long while. As much as I liked the return of Arrested Development, the only times I laughed out loud were the Gob episodes. It's Always Sunny has me cracking up every single episode. Of course my favourites are Charlie Day (I laughed so much at the video below. It will be hard to see the funny side if you don't watch Sunny), but I actually have a soft spot for all the characters. They're arrogant, loud and a bit unpleasant but, trust me, it's fab.
Reading is always on my list of things to do in the summer because college seems to take away any free time I have to do any reading, especially when studying English and having to read books for the course. On my commutes, I have plenty of time to read and I take full advantage of this even if I'm having to stand up and read. Within my first week I got through 'Billy and Me' (by Giovanna Fletcher) and 'Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?' by my inspirational woman of the moment, Miss Mindy Kaling. I must have looked like a bit of a crazy book lady on the train, laughing away to myself at Kaling's fabulous, hilarious life. I've just finished Tess of D'Urbervilles, which I had been meaning to get round to for years and I'm glad I finally did it. It's heartbreaking, completely devastating and kind of depressing, but marvellous at the same time. I'm almost finished my fourth book of my commute, 'Before I Go To Sleep' by S. J. Watson. At first I found it kind of predictable and some things were a little unrealistic as a book written in first person, but I'm nearing the end and I've never read such a heart racing thriller novel before. I love twists!
I could write more about the little things that make me happy right now, but I know they'd get boring. My summer was going to be me sleeping in late, reading all of the books I wanted, watching everything on Netflix, blogging more and every now and then popping out for some sunshine, but my internship came around pretty quick after my final exams. It's meant I'm constantly busy, but I love it. I haven't felt this grown up or this happy in a while.
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* The gorgeous Before Sunrise gif and image have nothing to do with this post, it's just nice to look. I still haven't seen Before Midnight yet, so don't get me started. My heart longs for it.
I've been wanting to read Is Everyone Hanging Out With Out Me. I really need to remember to pick it up the next time I'm out.
Fashion and Happy Things
It's really good! If you like her stuff, then I recommend it!