Saturday, 21 June 2014

Three quotes and living in the moment.

What I don't understand are people who belittle others for posting selfies, messages to loved ones or pictures of their food on the Internet.

First things first; what people do with their time is up to them and if they are happy uploading selfies to the Internet and they're not harming anyone there is no problem.

The way I see it is if you're happy, tell people why you're happy. It's surely better than in five years time being sad and telling people of a time when you were happy.

Once the moment is gone, you will have wished you lived in the moment of happiness more.

Uploading selfies or pictures of food is not a bad thing. It's happiness. If it makes you happy, then there is nothing better.
If you love someone tell them. Never be ashamed of texting/calling/talking to someone first. Why should you have to hide the way you feel if they make you happy?

Once the moment is over, you can no longer celebrate it in the same way. So live in the moment. Celebrate the moment while you can.

If you love someone tell them. If you enjoyed your meal at dinner, tell people. If you want to take selfie then do it.

Here are three lovely, beautiful and romantic quotes I found on the Internet which describe how I feel in this blog post more poetically.
“When I’m on Instagram and I see that somebody took a picture of themselves, I’m like, ‘Thank you.’ I don’t need to see a picture of the sky, the trees, plants. There’s only one you.— Ezra Koenig.
"Food doesn’t taste better or worse when documented by Instagram. Laughter is as genuine over Skype as it would be sharing a sofa. Pay attention. Take in nature, hold someone’s hand, read a book. But don’t ever apologize for snapping a photo of a sunrise after a hike, or blogging about the excitement of having a crush, or updating your goodreads account. All of these things are good and should be celebrated. Smile at strangers on the sidewalk and like your friends’ selfies. It’s all good for the human spirit.” — @cogitoergoblog
“I’ve stopped being sorry for all my soft. I won’t apologize because I miss you, or because I said it, or because I text you first, or again. I think everyone spends too much time trying to close themselves off. I don’t want to be cool or indifferent, I want to be honest. If I love you at 5AM, I’d damn well rather that you know I felt it. If I love you two hours later, I’ll tell you then too. Listen, I won’t wait double the time it takes for you to text me back because I don’t want to. I don’t care enough to be patient with you. I’m happy, you made me feel that way, don’t you want to know? So that’s how it’s going to be. I’m going to leave myself as open as a church door. And I’m going to wake you up before the crack of dawn to tell you that I’m fucking joyful, no pretending, not from me, not ever. Would you like some coffee, would you please kiss me? Here, these are my hands, this is my mouth, it is all yours.” — Azra.T “Don’t Wait Three Days to Text First.
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A little uni advice...

The last ten months have completely changed my life, and now I can say I've passed my first year of uni. It's been great, as you'd expect.

My little sis is off to uni in September and I thought I'd write her a little list to prepare her (not that she'll read it or listen to my 'advice')

Dearest lil sis,

I know you'll have the best time at university because you'll grab every opportunity that comes your way. But a little advice from your not so socially confident older sister...
  • You'll still find people in lectures or seminars that annoy you, that sadly doesn't change from school. However you'll also find people who make you laugh, happy and challenge you mentally. These are the people to make friends with.
  • Don't get into arguments with housemates who don't wash up. Don't leave notes, because it creates a tension that won't ever go away.
  • Any free food is good food. If your SU offers a free pizza night, you go to that free pizza night and make it a night out. 
  • Read the books before the seminar, but if you accidentally don't make enough time for one - sparknotes it.
  • As much as it might be a chore, try to clean your bathroom once a month, it can get pretty yucky without mum around.
  • If in doubt about what to eat...pasta is the way forward.
  • Be yourself. There is no point making friends with people who think you're something you're not.
  • Get someone to proof read your essays. You don't realise your own mistakes. (As a thank you for reading mine, I'll do yours)
  • Make a note of all your assignments early so you remember them. Don't do the mistake of an essay in a day. Some people can do it, but it won't reflect how intelligent and amazing you really are.
  • There is nothing wrong with going to a lecture at 9am, then having a nap between 11-2.
  • Do not blow your loan in the first month, it hits the cold months very quickly and you'll want comfort food.
  • Start Game of Thrones with your housemates. PLEASE!
  • Ring Mum once in a while. She will miss you. 
  • Please stay in a group when you go out, it's just a pain having to find each other and can make the night very boring.  
  • Take absolutely everything in. I can't believe how quickly my first year went and I only have two left, so it'll fly past for you too.

I know you'll have the best time, I don't have any worries. Just give me a ring every so often please, I can't wait to hear all of your stories!

Nadine xx

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