Yes I am horrifically late in watching The Tree of Life. But I've finally had the chance to see it at the local, independent cinema and here is my review regardless.
Running Time: 139 mins
Directed By: Terrence Malick
Starring: Sean Penn, Brad Pitt , Jessica Chastain, Hunter McCracken
Screenplay: Terrence Malick
UK Release Date: 8th July - UK
Quick Plot: On the anniversary of his brother's death, Jack looks back on his life as a child, focusing on his relationship with his parents as he questions the importance of life.

Let's get one thing straight; The Tree Of Life is not for everyone. I have proof, as a total of seven people left the screening (I was sitting on the edge as it's set out is like a theatre so I noticed) and at the end a group of women cheered and shouted 'thank goodness that's over'- which angers me anyway because they must have known the film wasn't going to be straight forward. It got booed at the Cannes by the non-critics and I can kind of see why so I'd say about 20% of people would like it as it's extremely different to the norm and I guess it's tedious. The way that Malick runs together his shots is quite unusual in comparison to films on a wider scale so this can cause a discomfort for some people, but for others like me I found it curious and exciting.
I've never seen a Terrence Malick film before (I know it's bad but I'm working on it) so I didn't know quite what to expect other than seeing the trailer and hearing the excellent reviews. The film begins with a narrator, who we later learn is the Mother (Jessica Chastain), reading a quote from the bible "Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation ... while the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?". And quite obviously the film as a whole endeavours to this quote. A change of time brings us to Jack's life in the present and we soon learn it is the anniversary of his brothers death. As the film continues there are flashes between the creation of life in an absolutely stunning montage of sequences, the life Jack had as a child with his two younger brothers and parents and quick glances on this day that Jack is looking back at his life. I don't believe any of that is too confusing. I mean, of course any film is confusing with a continual change of time from flashbacks to current but that's what makes some films so interesting- Tree Of Life especially. In the sequences of the start of life in bright colours, beautifully glamorous shots and a fantastic score, it reminded me lot of Fantasia. Even though I enjoyed the other parts of the film, I would not have minded watching these sequences for two hours as the visuals combined with the score was breathtaking.

The Tree Of Life is simply beautiful. It makes you think about your own life and others in a way that's unique in films. It's not for everyone.
The Tree of Life trailer